National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day

Facebook Event for National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day

An event I created for National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day. I’d like it if people could join the event to show their support for people dealing with fibromyalgia. So far the page just has info about fibromyalgia, how to show support (via wearing a purple ribbon and/or a purple butterfly) and a link to a pledge to show your support for the person or people in your life, dealing with fibromyalgia.

Hopefully, we’ll have an event (or two…) set up, which would be exciting. They’d be in the North Carolina area as that’s where I live.

Please reblog to share or just go join the event (yes, it is public to everyone) and hey talk about fibromyalgia, give ideas on how to spread awareness, link others to cool sites with fibromyalgia clothes that warn people not to say, “But you don’t look sick!”, share an event (or events) going on in your area or just join to show your support.

Thank you 🙂

Hey everybody, I gotta keep this short, cause this is kill my arm and it’s really hard to type with a splint on.   So, I know posts have been lacking around here lately and I’m so sorry! And I can’t even use my injury as an excuse as this drought of writing started before my wrist/hand got put in a splint. I promise to try and post something (that isn’t one of my rambles, rants or another apology) soon. I’ve already started on a brand spanking new one-shot in the Godfather Shadows series! And I do have a few other things in the works.

I’ll hopefully have something new posted soon (eventually…. one day).

Till next time!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

It may be the night before Valentine’s Day (well, where I am) currently, but I’m going ahead and making my Valentine’s Day post now as tomorrow I’ll be busy as I have Book Club tomorrow and also it’s my birthday!

I hope everyone has a wonderful, lovely Valentine’s Day tomorrow! Even if you don’t have a date tomorrow, take the time to just appreciate yourself, kay? Everyone knows life is hard and we all get beat down constantly, so treat yourself and remember that all of you are lovely people<3 Happy Birthday to all the Valentine’s Day born babes like me! Hope your birthdays are awesome and wonderful!

Here’s my presents to all of you:


Just popping in to make a little post about my best friend’s birthday. Happy Birthday Cynthia! Wish I was there to celebrate with you bestie but I’m sending you tons of happy thoughts and possibly annoying you with silly birthday videos but hey,that’s our friendship, yeah? … Okay no really it is. And full of bad habits, blackmail, food and some porn. Hehe. LOVE YOU CHIA<3 HOPE YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL, AMAZING, DELICIOUS DAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KOALA WOALA! Enjoy the fact that we’re both 19 – for now. It lasts only till my birthday 😛

In other news: It’s ten days till my birthday. Boo yeah!