Superhero Murder Mystery Party Rap

Hey guys! I went to a Superhero Murder Mystery party today and we had a few contests during the game. My awesome group (myself as Stingmata, Electra, and The Wisher) won 2 of the 4 contests. Sadly our rap didn’t win though I think it’s pretty damn good. I think we lost cause people couldn’t hear us over the music. Here it is for y’all to read. Enjoy!

Stingmata & Wisher (background): Oh, oh, oh.
Electra: Nerdon was a poor unfortunate soul. Never liked, so sad, a short lived hero unfolded.

Wisher & Electra (background): Oh, oh, oh.
Stingmata: We’re suppose to feel blue but our hearts are filled with coal. Let’s keep the Walking Dead from happening so lets bury him with lead.

Stingmata & Electra (background): Oh, oh, oh.
Wisher: Geek of drama was Nerdon’s game. So lets lay him to rest  in his own bed of shame.

Stingmata, Electra & Wisher: Rest in peace Nerd.

Hey everybody! Myself and my friend JulieAnn have started our own business! After months of talking, designing, figuring details out and such, we are proud to give you Turnbuckle Cupcakes! Cupcakes inspired by wrestlers (and wrestling in general)! Please go like our page as we work on fixing it up as well as selling cupcakes! We also have set up a twitter and a pinterest so please go follow those! And remember….

Turnbuckle Cupcakes…. where the smackdown is in your mouth!

I swear I have not forgotten about this  blog. Life though has thrown me multiple curve balls since my birthday. My grandma broke both arms, had surgery on both, stayed in the hospital (that has half a hour to a hour and half away) for a month and has been home only a little over a month and my mom and I have been taking care of her. Plus there’s been issues with school and every other aspect of my life. Also I have a new responsibility as I’m in charge of and lead a Wrestling Club at my local library.

I swear I’ll get back to posting when I’m able.

Thank you guys for sticking around ❤



21 years ago at this exact moment (12:17 am), I was born. Since then I’ve done many awesome things, crossed things off of my bucket list, met a couple of my heroes and inspirations, laughed, cried, made friends, lost friends and more. I’ve struggled along the way, and I’ve fought but I won more than I lost. Above all else, I’ve always stayed true to myself, never changing to please anyone else. Things may be rough, cringe-worthy and tearful at times but I’m ready for another 21 years of being me.

I became the person I am because of who I’ve been. To change that would change who I am. My past may not be the best or the happiest but if I had not gone through it, then I wouldn’t be me, I wouldn’t be who I am now.


After a friend commented ‘I wouldn’t ask for more hate’ in response to this picture I shared on facebook, I replied back with,

” If someone hates me for doing things to make myself happy, to better my own life or just trying to live my life the way I want, then why should I care? Should I change myself, my life just to make them feel better? No way. There’s a list of things they can do because I don’t care what they think. If you’re hating someone it’s either because you’re jealous of them or they have severely done you wrong.”

I then start to discuss it with my friend J. The above quote is just a little bit of the things I said and it struck me, so I decided to share it.

Today I have these fun free classes at Duke University:

9-10am – Guitar 101: How to Impress Your Friends without Reading Music
10-11am – Improv
11-12pm – History of Professional Wrestling
1-2pm – Manga: An Appreciative View
2-3pm – Learn Some Card Tricks!

Plus lunch is free (we’ll be having Moe’s).

The classes are taught by students and they had a ton of great ones but these were the ones I really wanted to do – besides one on the history of rock but I couldn’t do that one…

Today is gonna be awesome. I get to play guitar, do improv, talk about wrestling, talk about manga and I get to be Gambit.

Fuck yeah.

Gonna be finishing up my costume for tomorrow. Soon when my friend JulieAnn gets here, we’ll be hot gluing and spray painting up a mess and then we’ll be checking over the recipes we’re fixing tomorrow for our Writing Club’s Halloween Party. Also we could be doing some trick-or-treating (shh, we still look young enough to get free candy) and we also have another Halloween Party on Sunday.  Hopefully, that means that there’ll be pictures taken of our crafts (from today as we have pictures from this past weekend that I can also upload) and pictures of the food for tomorrow and hopefully that means at least two blog posts.

What about you guys? What plans do you guys have for tomorrow or this weekend?

Hi guys,

Alright so I’m gonna be heading back to school soon so I can’t say for sure when I’ll update next or anything but hopefully soon (watch me come up with a poem in a few haha). I may get tons of inspiration while at school so who knows?

Anyway, there’s a story behind this (isn’t there always?). You see, I was homeschooled for a few years after my mom pulled me out of the middle school I was in part way through the first half of 7th grade. Then I went to return to public school and instead of putting me in 11th, they put me in 10th. Okay fine. Except my fibromyalgia was starting to show it’s self and so we had to deal with that and the school I was going to wouldn’t work with us and they wouldn’t work with me the next year either. Finally they told my mom to just keep me out of school and even told her and myself to just let myself quit school or go to this college for my GED. Of course they didn’t fly so well with either one of us. What’s so bad is I was making nearly straight A’s in every class but because I was going in and out of the hospital, having tons of doctor appointments and on lots of medicine, including narcotic pain medicine, I was punished for it and was failed time and time again except for about one or two classes where the teachers knew what was going on (all of them did but only a few cared).

But finally we got some people to listen and work with us. So I’ll be going back to a school where I’ll be able to work at my own pace so I won’t have to wait for other students to catch up and I’ll be able to work online as well so if I have to be at home, I’ll still be able to work which is great because the fibro loves making it hard for me to lay down and I have insomnia as well and you know what they say, everything’s connected.

I’ll have to wear a uniform but that’s not so bad (black or blue slacks, white button up shirt and burgundy tie) and it seems that the only days I’d have to be at the building (when I could be) would be Monday through Thursday.

I’m nothing but a pile of nerves. My stomach is in knots and I’m just really excited but then also so bloody damn nervous. I want to go shopping for my uniform and the few things I need for school and I want it to go ahead and start but at the same time I’m like, ‘Fuck!’, so fucking nervous.

Anyhow, I just wanted to give you guys an update. I hope anyone who is returning to school has a great school year and those of you who aren’t returning to school you too better have a great year.

Till next time!

I wonder if anyone else whose the youngest in the family has the same troubles that I do. I’m the youngest in a house with four people but I’m twenty. There’s my mom and grandma and then the person I would love to forget who I shall simply call the jackass.

Now I get the talks and lectures of acting mature and being an adult/young adult as I’m sure many others do. But then you turn around and if you get into an argument, do the slightest thing wrong or just tick someone off just the right way, then all of a sudden it’s like you’re a little kid again. Everyone’s talking down to you, making sure you know you were wrong and not allowing you to say anything in your defense or to try and explain yourself. And if you try to then it means somehow that you’re talking back which gets you into even more trouble.

Even when someone else is more in the wrong, it’s never brought up or handled because you did something wrong and that’s more important than say someone being cruel, stealing or threatening you.

Hell, even when we have kids in the house and I’m having to watch them while the adults sit and talk, I somehow still can get in trouble. Somehow I’m too bossy when telling the two kids not to mess with my mother’s little snow globes or when I’m trying to keep them busy with a game or dancing or a movie.


And I’m just wondering if anyone else has to deal with that or had to deal with it. Because quite honestly, it sucks.